What a filly we have here!!!! Grace is so
much like her mother-Baby. I have seen a few of Baby's foals. I have
ridden one of them and ridden Baby herself at the tender age of 18. They
all have a WONDERFUL, loving dispositions.
I kept this mare in mind for several years. I wanted to breed her to Pa
because I truly believe that this cross would produce some walkers
suitable for kids to have as buddies and life long friends.
Kids horses are a very special breed! :-) They have to be, to withstand
the constant energy of children! Not only that, but true kids horses
have a special nature. I can't put it into words but I am sure you all
know what I mean.
Baby's owner bred her to his Walker paint stud (Snowcat Surprise-AKA
Cody) out of Supreme Versatility Champion-Eldorado's Surprise and a mare
called Ultra Dame. I know both horses-Surprise and Ultra, have seen them
in person and have seen their foals. Ultra is a fine black mare. Really
well gaited. Surprise has a rare, sweet, disposition for a stallion.
Cody got his sire's wonderful disposition.
Baby foaled a filly this year-Baby Grace. Ron called me and told me-I
about cried! She has had only colts for Ron! I got to name her filly and
have her now.
The day I went to pick Grace up, we meet Ron and went on a short trail
in the grasslands -I rode Baby with Grace in tow. The party split up-we wanted to keep
the ride short as Grace was so young and Baby was an older mare. We got
lost on the way back. Grace and Baby were just troopers the entire time!
Never giving us any problems. We were mentally and physically exhausted
when we finally got back-before dark, thank Goodness! Grace REALLY
impressed me. I had the opportunity to really watch her handle herself
and to watch her gaits. She is multi-gaited like Secret. She can go from
a pace to a trot in a stride. She looks an a lot like her grand dam
Ultra Dame.
Grace handles everything with a calmness not common in
horses her age. She is everyone's best friend.
We are very proud to have her!

She is two now and still the pest of the
bunch. She has to get into everything. (A nosy old Parker is the
term I believe). She is really getting GORGEOUS with a long neck and
very pretty. She will be going to Marie Erickson's of Hankinson, ND
for training under saddle in the spring.

Grace's Sire "Cody"